‘Asha Ki Kiran’ Outreach Camp for The Treatment of Congenital Disorders held quarterly at Delhi

The information laid down here is only our preparation to stay informed and ready if in case we would be called upon by the Government to join hands with them in handling the cases. Every homeopath should study more and remain attentive and updated about the sign and symptoms of this infection and how much and how far could be the role of homoepathic medicines in eradicating those signs and symptoms which risk the life of the infected person.

The medicines suggested in our chart are selected after deep study and keen observation of the information provided online or by Govt. agencies, about the symptoms of the patients suffering with this infection. However this can not be generalised as every patient can give individual symptoms and selection of homeopathic medicine is based on this principle of individualisation, which could only be achieved from the real patients. This is just an effort to share our knowledge.

First Stage

Primary symptoms like sneezing, mild fever, slight headache, loss of taste or smell, (problem from nose mouth and throat).

Aconite, Alumina, Arsenic alb, Belladona, Causticum, Dulcamara, Ignatia, Kali-bich, Lycopodium Natrum-mur, Nux-vomica, Ranunculus bulbosus, Sambucus, Sulphur, Squila,

Second Stage

Cough, pain in chest, slight breathing problem, expectoration of transparent or opaque, bronchitis, slight pneumonia , increased neutrophils and INCREASED WBC and ESR etc ( problem from throat to bronchioles or alveoli).

Belladona, Bromium, Bryonia, Camphor, Calcareacarb, Causticum,Cheidonium. Cuprum met, Drosera, Ignatia, Phosphorus, Lycopodium, Kali bich, Kali-carb, Kali-iod, Lachesis, Lobelia inflata, Medorrhinum, Nux-vomica, Natrum-mur, Pulsatilla, Ranunculous bulbosus, Sangunaria-can, Sepia, Stannum, Sulphur, Tuberculinum, Thuja

Third Stage

Pneumonia –generalized as well as lobar with different stages like red hepatization, grey hepatization, resolution, consolidation, severe respiratory syndrome, patient may be on oxygen support or on ventilator, other organs affected like liver, kidney, heart etc all problem are severe like headache, cough etc.

Antim ars, Antim- tart, Bryonia, Carbo-veg, Cupr, Drosera, Grindelia, Ipecauc, Iodum, Lachesis, Lobelia inflata, Lycopodium, Medorrhinum, Nat-sulph, Opium, Phosphorus, Psorinum, Pyrogenum, Sepia, Stannum met, Sulphur, Tuberculinum, Veratrum viride,

Golden Check Points of various medicines


  • Medicine of 1st& 2nd stage, chilly +thirsty
  • Pathology : pneumonia - both lungs lower lobes – emphysema, bronchiectasis with blenorrhea.
  • Clinical : hemoptysis hot with burning in lungs, clinical- black spots in throat. Any problem on abduction of arms.
  • Posture : cannot sit either straight or bending backward or forward but patient desires to lie on the back, arms are holding away from the body even during sleep.
  • Breathing Pattern – postural arrests or impeded the breathing.
  • Symptoms : offensive discharges + urinous taste in mouth + in second stage - cough due to irritation in larynx and trachea; agg on bending head backward + sitting; amel. by lying on back. Desire for covering in fever
  • Mentals : fear of death with dyspnea +loss of adaptability + do not leave things until they gets decayed ( Refer book – The Golden Thread Of Homoeopathic Medicine - by dr. Dilipsoni, Jaipur)
  • Others : Skin especially axillary region


  • Pathology – Hepatization of right lung with pain. Desire for uncovering during high fever.
  • Clinical Symptoms – Signs of purpura on chest (phosphorus). Emaciated chest. Initially dry cough followed by greenish cough later.
    Onion like odor from the mouth. Tongue coated milky white
  • Posture – Generally, pain in the right chest but while sitting in a bent posture there is pain in left upper chest due to pleuritis.
  • Breathing Pattern – Respirationaccelerated. Wheezing with coryza even during sleep.
  • Symptoms – Cough due to swelling of the larynx. Phlegm issalty and like soapsuds. Patient likes to live in a warmer room.
  • Mentals Symptoms – Abusive and hard-hearted towards family members.
  • Others – Sciatica or lumbar pain.


  • Pathology : or congestion in upper lobe of right lung.
  • Clinical Symptoms : . Right-sided affections. Preferred for stage two and three. Pain starting from right chest extending to back. Throat stiff/rigid. While coughing mucous flies out far. Fan-like motion of alainasi with pneumonia.
  • Posture : Better by lying, sitting near the window for open-air, unable to raise the head while lying on the back.
  • Breathing Pattern : Asthma ameliorated by deep inspiration and urination. Wheezing or whistling while sleeping.
  • Symptoms : Covers his right side from nose to the lungs. Every problem is better by warm food. Severe cough from irritation as if dust in the larynx
  • Mentals Symptoms : Fear that pneumonia might cause unconsciousness or stupor. Better by rubbing his soles. Thinks that he has ruined his health himself.
  • Others : Fever starts from palms and extends to whole body. Secondarily involved is the liver.


  • MEDICINE OF THIRD STAGE, Hot + thirsty & left sided.
  • Pathology : Emphysema along with the involvement of the lymphatic system and spleen (which makes it sure shot prescription). W.B.C increased especially lymphocytes.
  • Clinical : lobar pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, conductivities, enlarged liver & spleen with pain, Contracted pupil , Hypertension. Mucus in bronchial tubes
  • Posture : Aggravated while lying or sleeping.
  • Breathing Pattern : Irregular respiratory rate: one time slow other times fast. Superficial respiration while lying or sleeping. cheyne - stroke breathing.
  • Symptoms :
    1. Spasmodic bronchial cough, with profuse, tenacious expectoration, which gives relief.
    2. The breath stops when the patient goes to sleep and awakes with a start, gasping for breath (due to lack of oxygen in the brain).
    3. Longing for sunlight or society. Likes when the torch is placed on the eyes.
    4. Unable to breathe due to increased cell debris in alveoli.
    5. Lymph gland enlargement due to deficient circulation in the lymphatic vessels.
    6. Desire for open-air.
  • Mentals : Fear of suffocation.
  • Others : Spleen and lymph nodes are enlarged.


  • Medicine of 2nd stage, hot
  • Pathology : Involvement of both lungs. Useful when the inflammation of the lung has been neglected. Cough is a prominent pathology.
  • Clinical Symptoms : 2nd stage medicine does not act much in the third stage.
  • Posture : Looking upward ameliorates. Cough aggravated lying on the left side, better by turning on the right. Oppression of chest while lying down.
  • Breathing pattern : Impeded due to mucus in trachea, arrested while ascending stairs.
  • Symptoms : Coryza ameliorates most of the symptoms. Swallowing is impossible until mucus is hawked out. Cold drinks aggravate. Cough from spices. Sneezing as if from vapor in the throat. Difficulty in breathing while urinating. Perspiration smells like honey and on uncovered parts. Cyanosis at the clavicular region, both sides. Globular expectoration like a lump of curd.
  • Mentals Symtoms : Delicate, feels as fragile as glass, hence she can no longer exist in this world.
  • Others : Fever appears suddenly and disappears suddenly. Fever (raise in temperature) is felt more on covered parts.


  • Medicine of All Stages (Hot + Thirstless)
  • Pathology : Inflammation starts from the lower lobe of the right lung but hepatization starts from the lower lobe of left lung. More suitable for elderly people. Hemoptysis.
  • Clinical Symptoms :
    1. 1st stage: Severe catarrh in the right nostril in the first stage with pain in throat, more on the right side and better by warm water. Stitching pain throat while sneezing.
    2. 2nd stage: Fan-like motion of nostrils with respiratory difficulty. Gurgling sound from esophagus while sleeping. Bronchitis and primary state catarrh with obstruction of the nose.
    3. The 3rd stage: O/E: Protruded tongue, which turns towards the right side. Frowning on forehead.
  • Posture : Lying on back aggravates. Puffing type of expiration. Better by sitting upright in asthma.
  • Breathing Pattern : Rattling in chest during fever. Wheezing on expiration. Whistling on coughing. Catching during sleep. Better by sitting upright.
  • Symptoms :
    1. 1st stage – Itching in the nose during sleep which wakes up the patient. Nostrils feel corrosive. Dryness of throat while lying down and on swallowing.
    2. 2nd stage: Pain in trachea from where expectoration detaches.
    3. 3rd stage: Difficult respiration after urination (Thuja: Difficult respiration while urinating)
  • Mentals Symptoms : Anxiety and anticipation but is able to cope up when the time comes (Before getting the lab tests he is very much anxious but after the test even if a test is positive, he manages it very well. Frown on the face (wrinkled skin of forehead) during pneumonia. Fear of death and makes farewell messages.
  • Others : Fever increases between 4 to 8 pm and has a following trend: fever -> chill (but hot face) perspiration (sour)- thirst. Headache better by expectoration, patient is unable to raise his head due to congestion. Other affected areas are liver and kidney.


  • Medicine of primary stage and initial stage of the second stage of the disease
  • Pathology : loose mucus membrane of throat/ pharyngitis/bronchitis.
  • Clinical : forgetfulness, cough, anosmia, acute senses, allergic reactions (hyper / hypo / no sensitivity), elongated uvula, wheezing,
  • Posture : cough sitting agg while oppression of chest amelioration by sitting.
  • Breathing pattern : the disposition to hawk with normal breathing
  • Symptoms :Irritation of the nose, palate and larynx. Cough reflex withenlarged uvula, agg from lying straight. While Coughing there is pain in the top of the head, vertex. Cough after eating chilies, sour food and smoke, salt or may be use of sanitizer affect him etc. ACUTE RESPIRATORY WHEEZING BECAUSE OF DRYNESS with scraping sensation, from throat not lungs, if on closing the nostrils the sound disappears then it confirms the sound from the nose
  • Mentals : Restlessness, forgetfulness
  • Others : fever in a single part, perspiration only on the face during fever.


  • First and second stage remedy. SPASMODIC remedy, THIS is only for feeling of cold sensation.
  • Pathology : TRPM 8 RECEPTORS affections present on TONGUE, NASAL MUCOSA, and SKIN AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEM; controlled by temporal lobe of the brain.
  • Clinical : Sensation of coldness in a buccal cavity on inspiration, the motion of left arm agg. Staring with fixed eyes.
  • Posture : want to lie down bare on the ground.
  • Breathing Pattern : rough inspiration, respiration accelerated while expiration is prolonged.
  • Symptoms : coldness in throat, trachea, and larynx on breathing in as if one has eaten mint, coldness of parts. cough, cramp, diarrhoea, high fever, flu, memory loss, anosmia.
  • Mentals Symptoms : affections of geometrical analytical area, loss of judgment of thickness, length, height, volume, Fear of death or admission in the hospital or being.


  • II and III stage (constriction) medicine.
  • Pathology : hepatization in the lower lobe of right lung pleurisy, pneumonia, asthmatic breathing, bronchitis, coughs,
  • Clinical : painful inspiration – so breaths by closing eyes, pain right side lower chest (can check by pressing the chest)
  • Posture : Better while sitting and bending forward
  • Breathing Pattern : Rapid inspiration and expiration, on ascending stairs, on sighing respiration (blowing expiration – med. ,lyco, lach), shrieking or Whistling during inspiration.
  • Symptoms :
    1. rocking to & fro in ICU,
    2. chest pain right lower side,
    3. painful inspiration – so breaths by closing eyes,
    4. much accumulation of phlegm,
    5. wants to sit with head on knees, to expand chest by pressing the abdomen,
    6. Expectoration – yellow.
    7. Whistling during inspiration. 8. cough aggravates on lying down (due to constriction in the chest)
    9. Agg. at 3-4 am (cortisol hormone is maximum at at 3-4 am)
    10. Better by eructations in respiratory distress.
    11. Pain epigastric region, presses the chest to increase the transverse diameter of the chest.
  • Mentals : Fear of death, of fatal disease by – feels or says “no one will be spared of death, this disease will go with last breath.”
  • Others : kidney + lung + liver involvement, insomnia


  • A very sensitive and compassionate remedy as the receptors are numerous, also called a medicine without barrier. First and second stage
  • Pathology : Pneumonia with white discoloration of the tongue
  • Clinical : Anosmia, loss of taste, face & forehead is hot to touch
  • Posture : The patient feels that the respiration is difficult more on left side sometimes with vertigo.
  • Breathing Pattern : increased or irregular respiratory rate. Gasping while coughing and loud inspiration while sleeping
  • Symptoms :
    1. 1st stage: Irritation/itching/crawling in throat, trachea or bronchioles.
    2. 2nd stage: Constriction of throat and trachea. Coughs during sleep then coughs and sleeps back again. Pain epigastrium.
    3. Headache only when fever is not there (syphillitic rubric +++), when fever is there then no headache.
    4. On auscultation – crackling sound (like paper is rubbed or scratched against itself.
    5. Inspiration – with coarse sound.
    6. Respiration difficult more on left side + vertigo (also tinnitus sometimes).
    7. Thirst less in spite of dryness of mouth and throat.
    8. Vertigo and occasionally tinnitus.
  • Mental Symptoms : Highly emotional with involuntary weeping in the diseased state.


  • Pathology : septicaemia, Lung + kidney involvement compulsory (increased serum albumin ).
  • Clinical : X-ray cavities in right lung , flu,
  • Posture : Proprioception will become inactive. Gesture – tries to hold the parts, feels body is scattered and he.
  • Breathing Pattern – accelerated
  • Symptoms : Septicemia with restlessness and irritation. High grade fever though pulse is not fast or high, no co-ordination.
  • Mentals : Confused state of the identity, of the organs or body parts - On asking where are your ears he would hold nose etc.


  • Pathology : when the fibrosis start, the role of this medicines begins (Medorrhinum – will be used after fibrosis has set in, it will affect the whole lung), lobar pneumonia with four stages Inflammation, Red hepatitis, Grey hepatitis, scarring, and resolution; there would be no resolution or scarring if one takes allopathic medicines. upper apical region of lung.
  • Clinical Symptoms : pneumonia with delirium, spasms, spleen, high fever, flu. Pain in the left side of upper chest on lifting left arm.
  • Posture : lying agg in respiratory symptoms, bores head in the pillow.
  • Breathing Pattern : Dyspnea is absent even when high respiratory rate.
  • Symptoms :
    1. Pain left upper region of the lung, that pain may extend anywhere in the body, may be hands, stomach, shoulder etc. also the pain can radiate at two places simultaneously.
    2. The pain begins when he breathes.
    3. Respiratory rate increased – tachypnea, but when he starts talking to anyone then the respiratory rate becomes normal (because the control centre is in pons - hence neuronal control comes in play).
    4. Headache --- pain at the root of the nose, then right eyebrows then temporo-parietal region and then extends backwards to occipital region, in pain the patient bores head in the pillow.
    5. Fever and chill occurs always with cough or with h/o same.
  • Mentals – everything seems too large either disease or physical things that why the patient has uncontrolled anxiety before visiting the doctor.


  • III stage medicine
  • Pathology : Lung + liver + Kidney. Red hepatization, lung congestion
  • Clinical : Striking himself on chest like camphor but it is in 3rd stage remedy.
  • Posture : Lying agg. in respiration.
  • Breathing Pattern : panting or sighing and slow.
  • Symptoms :
    1. Ailments from change in temperature – (cold to warm or vice versa).
    2. HEADACHE – On & off violent headache comes suddenly.
    3. want to loosen the cloths, feels the clothes are tight due to swelling in chest
    4. continues nausea and vomiting
    5. face red
    6. Occasional cough will be less and if it is there then blood will come out expectoration.
  • Mentals Symptoms : Anxiety with pneumonia oranxiety + nausea + vomiting.


  • First stage, hot+ thirsty + suddenness
  • Pathology : laryngitis, trachitis,
  • Clinical : sudden inflammation of lungs
  • Posture : sitting upright and bending forward ameliorates, lying left side agg in first stage of pneumonitis.
  • Breathing pattern : Difficult inspiration through noseInspiration in two jerks during sleep
  • Symptoms : sensation of cold air in mouth on tongueCroupy cough on expirationFish like taste of expectorationSensitive to pain
  • Mentals : GREAT FEAR of death, hemoptysis and pneumonia, duringPredicts time of death
  • Others : difficult respiration and sighing during fever , headache with vertigo Fever with thirst for cold water, Fever with on cheek red and hot other one is pale and cold.


  • Medicine of all three (1,2,3) stages (chilly+right side+thirsty+fastidiousness)
  • Pathology : coryza, catarrh– Lung right upper third affected/lung right Apex
  • Golden check points : when patient raise his hands up there is vertigo, patient sit with head on the table of physician.
  • Posture : difficult respiration better by sitting bending forward with pillow in the lap and head rest on hands, unable to lie down.
  • Breathing pattern : Expiration jerky and interrupted
  • Symptoms : Mid-day and mid night aggHeadache -by pressure on abdomen > cold appThirsty for little quantityHead hot rest body cold to touchProtruding tongue during suffocationThroat membrane wrinkled
  • Mentals : Anger respiratory difficulty with, anguish-constricted everythingMental restlessness with physical weakness
  • Others : Severe weakness, burning heat outside and cold inside, diarrhea after fever.


  • first stage /mild chilly+ thirsty + redness
  • Pathology : coryza, catarrh, tonsillitis
  • Golden checkpoints : slow and forceful speech with long pause,protruding tongue while coughing.
  • Posture : sitting with bending head forward
  • Breathing pattern : pause between expiration and inspirationConstant swallowing
  • Symptoms :Headache appears suddenly and disappears suddenlyOne cheek hot other coldCough with protruding tongueTaste salty during fever
  • Mentals : Attempt to escape from quarantine,Spit on others,Striking himself on abdomen and face or against wall,Remove cloths,Sensitive to noise specially own voice,Angle when well, devil when sick.
  • Others : Pressure feel at cardiac region with respiratory troubleRetention of urine ,fever with delirium and headache.


  • Medicine of1st and 2nd stage.Chilly + thirsty + right sided
  • Pathology : bronchitis, pleuritis, laryngitis
  • Clinical : right side of chest is affected, slight exertion causes breathing problem.
  • Posture : kneeling amel , sitting aggravation
  • Breathing pattern : expiration aggravates, imperceptible during sleep, impeded while talking.
  • Symptoms : Itching in throat and Eustachian tubeThroat pain during inspirationSensation of foreign body in throat pitPain in trachea during coughingPain in larynx and trachea on blowing nosePain in sternum during expiration and exertionImpeded respiration during talkingAbdomen is sensitive to cold airPain in stomach during hawking of mucus when
  • Mentals : Hurriedness with shortness of breathSensitive to mental exertionSympathy to other patients in isolationChallenges to isolation authority if something wrong
  • Others : warmth of bed amel in respiratory complainProfuse perspiration during sleep in day timeSensation of wind between shoulder blade


  • 1st and 2nd stage (chilly +thirsty)
  • Pathology : sinusitis, bronchitis.
  • Golden check points : barking cough from deep breathing.
  • Posture : snoring while lying on back.
  • Breathing : slow and superficial breathing due to fear of coughand panting from cough.
  • Symptoms : coryza agg from cold air and better by warm application, stomatitis with coryza, difficult respiration agg urination after.
  • Mentals : weeping from impatience and headache from laziness.
  • Others : pain in vertex and temple while coryza, fever doubled every day.


  • Hysterical + chilly + thirsty but thirst less during fever.
  • Pathology : rapid and painless hepatization of the lung with fever (iod), pneumonitis.
  • Golden check points : cannot hold breath because it agg. Habit of continues swallowing, even empty.
  • Posture : oppression of the chest during respiratory disorder, lying on back ameliorates, cannot lie long in one position so changing side regularly.
  • Breathing : sighing, loud, respiration is slow and short but deep respiration during sleep,
  • Symptoms : it has a cough from dust in throat pit. The patient feels Constriction in throat pit and irascible paroxysmal cough but can control forcefully.
  • Mentals : anxiety amelioration in house, sighing continues long after weeping; the patient has delusion that he has lost everything.
  • Others : visible redness on body due to heat but internally patient does not feel the heat. Shaking during pyrexia, throwing head backwards during pain


  • 1st and 2nd stage remedy, Chilly+ thirsty+ intolerant
  • Pathology : hemorrhage of lung ,
  • Golden check points : patient desire to loosen the clothes;cough from pain in throat pit.
  • Posture : sitting or rest ameliorate, ascending agg.
  • Breathing : accelerated during chill with anxiety, rapid expiration with difficult inspiration, breathing impeded,wheezing during sleep.
  • Symptoms : gastric disturbance with breathing difficulty, coryza withfluent discharge in room and better in open air, scratching and roughness of throat during coryza, dry cough from midnight to day break better by lying on side.
  • Mentals : patient is most of the selfish, squander only on himself, fear of death on going to sleep. Loquacity, talks about his health.
  • Others : fever returns every two three days and shivering better by lying down. Pain in forehead compels him to close the eyes.


  • Chilly + thirsty
  • Pathology : pneumonitis and pleuritis after exposer to cold air whenoverheated.
  • Golden check points : fever during gangrene, difficult respiration when walking on plane or level ground but better when ascending.
  • Posture : lying on right side agg., bending forward ameliorate.
  • Breathing : deep during perspiration,
  • Symptoms : obstruction of nose with hay fever, pressing pain at root of the nose, burning at velum or at soft palate, taste altered during diseased condition, respiratory symptoms with pain in liver(sep).
  • Mentals : delusion that senses are vanishes, headache from change of temperature from warm to cold.
  • Others : pain in joints from catarrh.


  • Medicine of 1st stage mainly, chilly+ thirsty
  • Pathology : inflammation of nasal mucosa, laryngitis and bronchitis.
  • Golden check points : open mouth accompanied by cough.
  • Posture : throwing head backward with cough.
  • Breathing : stertorous, impeded while lying or during sleeps, wheezing after midnight.
  • Symptoms : obstruction of nose, asthma with profuse perspiration, sense of oppression behind sternum,
  • Mentals : feels doctors and nurses are neglecting her or him, restlessness with cough, weeping with respiratory problems.
  • Others : cough before fever, burning heat during sleep and perspiration just after waking.


  • Medicine of all stages.Hot and thirsty
  • Pathology : Left apex of the lung is a favorable site. Pneumonia, hepatization of left lung especially upper lobe.
  • Golden checkpoints : Dyspnea if one is asked to bend arm backward. Constriction in the chest when both arms are brought forward together.
  • Posture : Lying on the left side and sitting up ameliorates. Lying on right side aggravates pain in pneumonitis. Patient feels better when lying on the back.
  • Breathing : Accelerated on first lying down and loud while lying on the right side.
  • General symptoms : Throat pain with desire for cold water. Patient feels that the lungs are touching the back while coughing. Constriction of chest better by respiration. Coryza:Excoriating and bloody discharge from the nose, painful dryness inside the nose and patient has an imaginary odor as if from chalk. Rattling better by expectoration. Cold inspiration and hot expiration.
  • Mental symptoms : After effects of lung diseases can be treated by this medicine. Fear of contagion, thinks that an infection is being given by someone to him. Ailments from magnetism (earth). Too religious.
  • Others:Fever : Increased salivation and redness of nose and lips with fever. Fever felt in the whole body except the head. Brown discoloration of the tongue.


  • Second stage; chilly+left sided
  • Pathology : bronchopneumonia of old people.
  • Golden check points : unable to hold head steady, cough on deep inspiration.
  • Posture : cannot lie on right side
  • Breathing : rattling, loud, difficult, all are better after expectoration.
  • Symptoms : radish discharge from posterior nareswithout coryza, tastelessness, dry cough from cold drink and irritation in thyroid gland.
  • Mentals : dullness and intoxicated.
  • Others : chilliness from uncovering and pain.


  • 2nd and 3rd stage remedy. Hot + thirsty + summer aggravates.
  • Pathology : Inflammation and hepatization in lower lobe of right lung, coagulated brown hemoptysis. Decreased surfactant or damage of pneumocyte type -2.
  • Clinical Symptoms : Coryza extends to chest from nose, sneezing between two coughs. Gasping or catching before cough (Antim tart).
  • Posture : Likes to lie down on face or abdomen due to chest pain, and on back due to respiratory trouble, which ameliorates. Holding head as well as breath while coughing. Bending backward aggravates cough. Patient sits up as soon as cough comes up.
  • Breathing Pattern : Difficult and slow after eating or drinking because it restricts the expansion of diaphragm. Patient is unable to expend chest due to pain and fibrosis. Slow, stertorous breathing.
  • Symptoms : Bursting headache in patient after drinking cold water in heated condition. She wants to let hair down because binding hair causes headache. Throat pain extends to ear on coughing, aggravated from motion of any type while ameliorated from pressure, drinking or lying down.Dryness of respiratory tract. Cough comes from deep, as if from trachea or abdomen.
  • Mental symptoms : Aversion to answer, if answers then in haste. Anxious about business and future. Feeling of heaviness of head. Fear of talking or laughing or motion because it causes cough. Always want to go home.
  • Others: Quiet disposition during fever with thirst, oily perspiration.
  • Reference : The golden thread of homoeopathic medicine.


  • Chilly + thirsty + perspiration profuse
  • Pathology : right upper lobe of the lung affected, emphysema, bronchitis, atelectasis.
  • Golden check points : patient holding shoulders retracted, respiration catching on bending, bluish discolouration of the root of nose.
  • Posture : lying on affected side agg,
  • Breathing Pattern : loud respiration through the nose while walking, sibilant, sobbing during sleep, panting on exertion
  • Symptoms : nose dry at night and moist in the day, the tongue is white and cold, throat pain from the change of weather, obstruction of the nose, the rawness of larynx on swallowing, one-shot cough at night with salty expectoration, cough from roughness in the palate.
  • Mentals : curious about supra-natural or spiritual matters, scratching head on waking,
  • Others : bursting headache on the forehead to occiput, perspiration of scalp


  • Pathology : Pneumonia with cramps, mostly on left side. Emphysema and spasmodic cough in the second stage.
  • Golden checkpoint : When a patient is asked to raise his hand above the head that time respiration would stop and may be unable to breathe. The patient is unable to wear a mask just like Lachesis, argentum-nit and amm-carb. (Lachesis & cuprum met patient does not allow anything to touch the face but Lachesis does not allow to touch the throat also). Bluish discoloration near clavicles (Lachesis, thuja, and ars alb).
  • Posture : Cough or asthma from bending backward.
  • Breathing : Deep breathing which ameliorates.
  • General symptoms : Inability to speak during asthma so the patient starts weeping involuntary and when you offer water he is unable to drink. Likes cold water. Difficult respiration or attack of asthma. Spasmodic cough makes him unconscious or faints (cina, cadm-s, and kali carb); 3 strokes cough. Expectoration metallic in taste. Constriction of left side of the chest with stitching pain.
  • Mental symptoms : Behaves like a commander or general, speech excited, does not like to talk to everyone, anxiety with a red face and aversion to being caressed but still clings to the nurse.
  • Others : fever - Chill only in daytime and drinking cold water ameliorates.Headache - From occiput to face; sensation of head falling hither and thither during the problem. Cold water ameliorates every problem of the patient.


  • Pathology : Hemoptysis and Bronchitis. Hemorrhage from the lungs, especially left lung and probably from upper lobe.
  • Clinical Symptoms : Sensitive cough reflex excited by any stimulus, the reaction is so severe that it causes strong spasmodic cough which even cause epistaxis and expectoration of bloody saliva.
  • Golden checkpoints : Pain, aching, below the clavicle extends up to scapula, during inspiration. Paroxysmal cough follows one another and causes all type of problems related to the respiratory tract like scrapping, stitching, irritation, soreness, etc.
  • Posture : Holds left hypochondrium and epigastrium while coughing. Better by motion & pressure; aggravation from lying on the painful side.
  • Breathing : Accelerated during a paroxysm of cough, retching with asthma.
  • Symptoms : Any foreign body like dust, bacteria, virus (sensation of the foreign particle) causes irritation deep in fauces and forceful cough to throw it out. Painful forceful sneezing. Dryness of posterior nares. Greenish expectoration,
  • Mental symptoms : Anguish during whooping cough and talkative after cough but it causes constriction in the throat. Fear of cough. Intolerance to injustice.
  • Others : Swallowing difficult for solids, loss of taste.


  • Medicine for all stages.
  • Pathology : Gangrene of lung after pneumonia. Hepatization of lung, right to left lower lobe of the lung. Aggravated from lying on left and better by lying on the back and right side
  • Clinical Symptoms : Chilly, thirst for cold water.
  • Golden checkpoints : Fan-like motion of nasal wings when the patient is nervous. Purple bluish discoloration of the palate with scraping sensation. Redness of face with dyspnea.
  • Posture : Cough better by lying on the back and right side but aggravation by lying on the left side. Holding chest ameliorates.
  • Breathing : Stridulous respiration in the evening when falling asleep.
  • General symptoms : First stage – coryza with nasal discharge flowing to posterior nares to trachea while lying down; sneezing when putting hands in water; washing the face ameliorates. Second stage: itching in throat pit with sensation as if the flesh is hanging in the larynx which causes cough. Paroxysmal cough better sitting and nervous cough when a new person enters in the room.
  • Mental symptoms : Anguish when alone, wants therapy for anxiety. Unconscious or faint or stupor in pneumonia. Fear of suffocation in asthma.
  • Others : Fever aggravates urination (Rhus tox). Thinking aggravates the fever. Burning thirst for cold water. Internal heat external coldness, headache extends to zygoma.


  • Pathology : Paralysis of lung. Emphysema. Hepatization.
  • Golden check points : Sensation of a lump in throat pit, tries to push it upwards by hawking.
  • Posture : Lying aggravates and motion ameliorates in asthma.
  • Breathing : Long respiration (Antim tart and opium). Difficulty in breathing after warm food. Slow expiration.
  • General symptoms : Right sided sinusitis and pain better by pressure. Yawning with sneezing. Stagnation ofblood in chest. Dryness of the throat not better by drinking.
  • Mental symptoms : Fear of death with respiratory disease. Anxiety with the oppression of chest.
  • Others : Fever cold water amelioration (Causticum, cuprum met).


  • Pathology : Fibrosis of lungs (left>right). Bronchiectasis. Paralysis of left lung.
  • Golden checkpoints : Electric hair. Better by lying on abdomen.
  • Posture : Aggravated lying on back. Better in knee-chest position or lying on abdomen, four-footed (horse like position)
  • Breathing : Disposition to hawks. Asthmatic.
  • General Symptoms : Protruding the tongue gives relief. Pain in forehead.
  • Mental Symptoms : Presentiment of death with vomiting. Feels difficulty in narrating symptoms.
  • Others : Albuminous urine. Fever better by urination. Chilliness before urination. Left side of chest feels hot and right side cold in fever (Opposite of Ignatia).


  • Medicine of first stage, chilly+ thirsty
  • Pathology : pathology in the left upper lobe of the lung
  • Golden checkpoints : cough better passing flatus or eructation, the crawling sensation in throat pit.
  • Posture : lying on side amel, cough better by sitting
  • Breathing : rapid expiration and slow inspiration
  • General symptoms : asthmatic respiration from any king of soothing smell like flower smell etc., cough during and after influenza
  • Mentals : helplessness feeling or feeling of paralysis; anxiety and sighing in the morning.
  • Others : it has a severe congestive fever, headache right side.


  • Chilly + thirst less (running backwards or towards past or origin)
  • Pathology : Affection of central lobe of the right lung (right to left).
  • Clinical Symptoms : Chilly and thirst less. Retrograde thoughts, behavior or pathology.
  • Golden checkpoints : Desire to clench teeth together (watch the face). Likes to eat crunchy food only. Yellow spots on nose. Head jerks involuntarily forward and backward while sitting.
  • Posture : Desire to sit bending the head forward. Running ameliorates while walking slowly aggravates.
  • Breathing : Respiration deep and slow. Wheezing. Cough with rattling in trachea before expectoration
  • General symptoms : Pain in right hypochondrium or liver in respiratory distress. Dry cough at night during sleep on inspiration. Cough from constriction of chest. Symptoms as of erratic course of malaria. Yellow and glue mucus in throat. Sneezing at 6 am.
  • Mental symptoms : Inclination to sit stiff. Restlessness from the congestion of chest or lungs. Delusion that she is unfit for life so desire to commit suicide. Angry with self and others as well. Indifference in general.
  • Others : Bitter taste of mouth when ill. Expectoration bloody in evening and white at night, fever and chill without thirst. Headache from the forehead to the base of the brain better by eating.
  • Note : Medicine for bad effects of radiation or electromagnetic waves - sepia, kali-phos and phosphorus).


  • Medicine for 1st and 2nd stage, chilly + thirsty or thirst less
  • Pathology : Medicine of connective tissue (cartilage). Patients may have a superimposed fungal infection. Bronchiectasis.
  • Golden checkpoints : Dyspnea on examination of the abdomen.
  • Posture : Lying on unaffected side aggravates while lying on affected side ameliorates.
  • Breathing : Deep breathing impeded due to weakness of chest; arrested with stitching insides. Paroxysms of difficult in the evening.
  • General symptoms : Desire to undress. Hoarseness and dryness of throat (right-sided) or trachea is better by coughing. Short hacking cough with loss of voice. Cough from eating irritating food. Sinusitis. Weakness after expectoration. Expectoration is sweetish in taste.
  • Mental symptoms : Faintness after urination. Begging in sleep.
  • Others : Headache in temples increasing and decreasing gradually, Fever with chills, perspiration and weakness. Better by rapid walking.


  • Ant ars, a 3rd stage remedy.
  • Respiratory problems accompanies with swelling /edema or pleural exudation.
  • Swelling is more prominent on face.
  • Sudden weakness due to hypoxia and weakness of heart.
  • Complaints are aggravated by eating and lying down.
  • X-ray shows emphysema.


  • 3rd stage remedy especially for elderly patients
  • Pathology : Hepatization of both lungs after pneumonia, broncho-pneumonia and ultimately paralysis of lungs.
  • Clinical Symptoms : Paleness or cyanosis on face with sleepiness which gradually increases to comatose sleep. The eye lids are covered with mucus.
  • Posture : Lying on back aggravates. Letting the head down on lying also aggravates, so the patient wants to sit erect. If at all patient lies down then he/she can lie on right side only.
  • Breathing Pattern : Inspiration gasping, while expiration is long and slow. Respiratory rate irregular, aggravation on lying down and sleeping. Respiratory rate accelerated on being disturbed while sleep.
  • Symptoms : Coldness of extremities and cold breath with rattling of chest. Due to cough child jumps and calls for help. Patient bends backward and grasps the larynx. Coughing and yawning consecutively. Rattling of mucus too much in lungs. Expectoration copious but very difficult, coughs much for little which amel.
  • Mental symptoms : Irritability when sick; clings to attendant or nurse or doctor out of fear.
  • Others : Mild or low fever during the whole episode.
  • Reference : For scientific explanations please go through “The golden Thread of Homoeopathic Medicine” by Dr. DilipSoni)


  • Pathology : 3rd stage medicine for old people or cardiac patients (congestive heart failure) who gets infected with the virus, emphysema with gangrene in lungs, utter last stage.
  • Clinical Symptoms : This medicine could be a boon for cardiac patients, who if get infected, mostly proceed towards death.
  • Posture : Lying with head high (China and Sepia)
  • Breathing Pattern : Breathing accelerated while lying down.
  • Symptoms : Cold breath with coldness of extremities. Cough hard, not ceasing until the masses of sputa is raised. Respiration arrested while changing sides in lying position. Increased salivation during asthma.
  • Mental symptoms : Rocking causes mental symptoms.


  • For the prescription of Ipecac – the IPECAC GRAPH mentioned in the golden thread of homoeopathic medicine by DrDilipSoni is the key.
  • Pathology : Epistaxis with loss of smell, hemorrhage from lungs bright red. Bronchiectasis.
  • Golden checkpoints : Sneezing before cough. Follow the graph of ipecac in any or every disease.
  • Posture : Shaking of body while coughing. Repose, means to sit or lie without any movement
  • Breathing : Deep and accelerated during chill and fever. Better by sitting upright.
  • General symptoms : Spasmodic cough with nausea or vomiting better by repose or expectoration.
  • Mental symptoms : Impatience for work, anguish from chocking of the nose, from influenza.
  • Others - fever : Irregular and long-lasting heat with white discoloration of tongue & thirstlessness; just like the graph of ipecac.


  • Pathology : Violent, rapid and painless hepatization of lungs and thickening or fibrosis of the lung.
  • Clinical Symptoms : HOT + THIRSTY+ HUNGRY.
  • Golden check points :Dilated nostrils and hard mucus membranes.
  • Posture : Sits with the head on hands and elbow on knees. Cough while lying down on back and better by sitting or bending forward.
  • Breathing : Inspiration difficult and ascending stairs difficult. Tachypnea.
  • General symptoms : Discharges from the nose are clear and glassy in appearance. Burning or irritation from the larynx to trachea especially while coughing. Everything is better by eating and drinking. CORROSIVE EXPECTORATION
  • Mental symptoms :Heedless loquacity and answers loudly. Impatience never sits or sleeps at night, moves here and there. Better by eating and exercise or when busy.
  • Others : Fever followed by constant diarrhea, sitting and standing ameliorates.


  • Pathology : Hepatization of lungs, emphysema, congestion of lungs especially after fright.
  • Clinical Symptoms : Hot patient. Contented and elderly patients.
  • Golden checkpoints : Tongue purple-black, foamy or frothy hemorrhage from lungs.
  • Posture : Respires through an open mouth. Dyspnea from sleep.
  • Breathing : Slow respiration and snoring when asleep or unconscious. Cheyne-Stokes respiration while unconscious. Gasping long or puffing expiration and slow inspiration like in Antim tart. Respiration unequal during sleep.
  • General symptoms : Loss of smell due to paralysis or destruction of nerve endings. Taste either lost or altered. Dryness of throat without thirst, awakens from sleep to avoid suffocation
  • Mental symptoms : Memory active during fever, quiet and contented.
  • Others : Fever with a red-hot face and profuse clammy perspiration, pain in the base of the brain.


  • Hot + thirsty, second stage medicine
  • Pathology : croup, inflammation of lung
  • Golden check points : sneezing from inspiration, coldness of breath when inspires, cyanosis on face seen during asthma.
  • Posture : lying on side with hand over the head.
  • Breathing : impeded, rasping
  • Symptoms : scabs and clinkers in nose with dryness, croup extending from larynx to bronchioles, loose cough from exercise and warm room, sensation of soft substance under sternum.
  • Mentals : desire to be carried or help during croup, causeless sick feeling.
  • Others : headache better by lying on side with hand over the head, burning fever between flash and skin.


  • Medicine of secondaries
  • Pathology : Bronchitis, cerebral involvement
  • Golden check points : Patient feels that his brain is made of glass or glass like feeling when disease is in advance stage.
  • Posture : Respiration painful on lying down, coughs agg from bending forward.
  • Breathing : Gasping during sleep, deep breathing ameliorates.
  • Symptoms : Rawness and ulceration of posterior nares, sneezing deep seems come as from stomach, dry cough in evening during coryza aggravation from inspiration
  • Mentals : All metal symptoms are better by weeping or urination, fear of death during fever.
  • Others : Fever better by vomiting.


  • Medicine of last stage when the septicemia may take place.
  • Pathology : Right lung pathology.
  • Golden check points : Inclination to blow nose constantly, head is cold and rest of body hot during septicemia can give direct entry in the case.
  • Posture : Not particular because patient is near to coma.
  • Breathing : Superficial imperceptible
  • Symptoms : Pain in fore head and above eye when sneezing
  • Mentals : Slowness of mind with aggravation from mental work. Metallic taste of mouth with white coated tongue
  • Others : Zymotic fever, severe heat with involvement of brain.


  • Second and third stage (chilly + thirsty + right sided)
  • Pathology : inflammation or lobar pneumonia or hemorrhage in apex of right lung.
  • Golden check point : biting finger or hand during sleep.
  • Posture : not particular
  • Breathing : oral respiration only
  • Symptoms : nasal discharge offensive like fish brine, pain in nose extends to ear. Cough with blackish expectoration.
  • Mentals : desire for company thinks that something horrible is going to take place. Fear with chattering of teeth.
  • Others : fever mostly in evening around 8 to 9 pm.


  • Pathology : 2nd to 3rd stage medicine,when alveoli are going to collapse
  • Clinical : Prophylaxis for Flu.Coughs
  • Breathing : partial mouth breather.
  • General symptoms : weakness and fatigue marked with chill, disproportionate to the suffering; diarrhoea. Headache with nasal congestion and coryza
  • Mentals : depressive neurosis.
  • Others : Leucopoenia, mononucleosis,encephalitis, Conjunctivitis, ear discharges.


  • (Chilly + thirsty) infection is slow but intense.
  • Pathology : bronchitis and pneumonia but the primary site of action is the bifurcation of trachea .viral sinusitis
  • Golden checkpoints : stringy discharges constantly snuffle while talking, coldness inside the nose, do not allow touching the head, bag like swelling of the uvula.
  • Posture : bending forward amelioration, holding sides of chest give relief, lying down causes sneezing. Pain turning to the left side.
  • Breathing Pattern : rattling during sleep, wheezing, panting, better by deep respiration.
  • General symptoms : there is blindness before the headache and vision return back when pain is at its top. The headache comes suddenly and goes suddenly; acrid post-nasal dropping causes cough, thick clear stringy discharge if stops cause headache, sinusitis pain starts from nose to root to the right supraorbital to lateral canthi. The inflammation extends from nose to larynx with sticky and stringy discharge.
  • Expectorant adheres to the throat, gums, teeth and lips. Dry cough from smoke. Due to irritation at the bifurcation of the trachea.
  • Mentals : impatience from heat and irritation in larynx or throat, everything seems horrible to him.
  • Others : zymotic, paroxysmal fever at night, expectoration is stringy in taste.


  • Pathology : Hepatization of left lung in last stage, so cyanosis is there initially at clavicular region (thuja, cuprum met) and later on the whole chest like ecchymosis. Sometime so much so such severe that it can cause loss of vision.
  • Clinical Symptoms : for 2nd and 3rd stage as well as a preventive, best in thermally hot patient.
  • Golden checkpoints : O/E Respiration difficult while touching the larynx (Belladonna and Apis-Mel). Cannot wear a mask (cuprum met, argentum nit, ammonium carb). The most striking sign is - cannot wear a mask but can cover mouth by hand.
  • Posture : Better by sitting erect and bend slightly forward (Spongia).
  • Breathing : Crocking respiration. Blowing type. Chocking cough as soon as falling sleep, with constriction in the larynx at night (phosphorus, sulphur). Gasping respiration mostly worse at night and better by lying on the left side, by cold air, fanning from distance.
  • General symptoms : Stitching pain in trachea while coughing with expectoration which tastes like wheat flour. Cough spasmodic with sensation as if the some fluid went in the trachea or respiratory tract.
  • Mental symptoms : Suspicious, delusion that he might be send in quarantine. Fear of suffocation on going to sleep. Delusion he is going to die by this disease.
  • Others : Fever aggravated from sour food. Chill or heat starts from lower portion of body and spreads upward (like from ankles to abdomen or chest). Dreams of one’s own funeral.Second & third stage Symptoms :
    1. Bending head backward aggravates.
    2. Sensation of lump n throat in the larynx.
    3. Pain in the throat radiates to the tongue.
    4. Constriction or crumb-like feeling in the trachea.
    5. Sleep aggravates the croup.
    6. Tongue is oscillating on protruding out for examination.
    7. Thirsty but cannot drink.
    8. Gums are gangrenous or bluish.
    9. Bleeding tongue.
    10. Fear of death while falling asleep due to suffocation
    11 Excessive irrelevant talking. Talks in English or a language which is not his native. Boaster.


  • Medicine of 1st and 2nd stage, Hot +
  • Pathology : bronchitis, catarrhal, pharyngitis
  • Golden check points : Anxiety from deep inspiration (chelidonium),red discoloration of left side of nose, roughness of lower lip.
  • Posture : lying down on back causes oppression of chest.
  • Breathing : accelerated while standing, and drinking, whistling of expiration.
  • General symptoms : coryza from uncovering the head, imaginary order of food, sneezing before coughing like ipecac, red tongue with insular patches, unilateral numbness of tongue, food taste salty, egg white like discharge from throat.
  • Mentals : ailment from or aggravated after being rejected or abandoned due to disease by family or from punishment by govt., feels pity on account of his misfortune. Fear of injuring others and being injured by others.
  • Others : there is complaint of lungs accompanied by eye trouble, hammering headache, pain vertex to forehead. Fever beginning from stomach


  • Medicine of all stages, hot + thirsty
  • Pathology : Bronchitis or pneumonitis in lower lobe of left lung with a superadded bacterial infection.
  • Clinical Symptoms : mainly 2nd Stage medicine, sycotic in nature. Useful for diabetic patients who are affected by viral infections, like corona viruses.
  • Golden checkpoints : Jerking the head towards the right. X-ray: opacity in left lower lung. The patient rubs his face intermittently. The patient has Green discoloration of the tongue at the back or base.
  • Posture : Oppression in chest and asthma better by lying down and aggravation from exertion. Cough aggravated by lying and better by sitting. Stooping aggravates.
  • Breathing : Arrested while sitting, deep breathing and increased respiratory rate. Routinely inspiration is painful.
  • General symptoms : Viral infection in patients who lives in damp atmosphere or damp cellars and those suffering from diabetes mellitus. All discharges are greenish in color, offensive and purulent. Postnasal dropping of salty fluid is a marked symptom in the first stage.
  • Mental symptoms : Sadness during respiratory distress, wants to commit suicide but restrain him by force or self-control.
  • Others : Headache with a bitter taste in mouth and electric-like shocks in vertex. Chill in the afternoon: icy chill and Goosebumps.


  • (Chilly + thirst less)
  • Pathology : left lower lobe of lung is affected
  • Golden check points : redness of tipof the nose that extends to whole right side of the nose, Blackish lump in centre of expectoration
  • Posture : aggravation from lying down because it causes severe palpitation
  • Breathing : jerking inspiration, respiration impeded with shooting pain in the chest.
  • Symptoms unconscious during stool, loss of taste with mucus on the tongue, stitching pain in larynx in a spot.
  • Mentals : when thinks of the problem , he starts feeling the same in himself.
  • Others : febrile heat only during the day time.


  • Medicine of 1st stage mainly, chilly+ thirsty
  • Pathology : inflammation of nasal mucosa, laryngitis and bronchitis.
  • Golden check points : open mouth accompanied by cough.
  • Posture : throwing head backward with cough.
  • Breathing : stertorous, impeded while lying or during sleeps, wheezing after midnight.
  • Symptoms : obstruction of nose, asthma with profuse perspiration, sense of oppression behind sternum
  • Mentals : feels doctors and nurses are neglecting her or him, restlessness with cough, weeping with respiratory problems.
  • Others : cough before fever, burning heat during sleep and perspiration just after waking.


  • Chilly + left sided + thirsty + desire covering
  • Pathology : sinusitis, catarrhal, emphysema after pleuritis
  • Golden check points : coarse and sandy hair, redness of nose during exertion even while eating.
  • Posture : cannot lie on back, standing ameliorate.
  • Breathing : difficult breathing from tickling in throat pit, catching during fever, panting while walking rapidly.
  • Symptoms : coryza with ear complaint and there is no discharge in morning but fluent during whole day, bad taste of mouth better by eating something, soreness of larynx while breathing, cough from uncovering feet or head. Offensive and granular expectoration
  • Mentals : calm and non-arguing personality and unconscious on reprimands
  • Others : perspiration on the painful part of scalp, fever at 11 am with chill and thirst.


  • Third stage medicine of critical cases, Psora to syphilis speed is very fast.
  • Pathology : when the fibrosis start, the role of this medicines begins (Medorrhinum – will be used after fibrosis has set in, it will affect the whole lung), lobar pneumonia with four stages Inflammation, Red hepatitis, Grey hepatitis, scarring, and resolution; there would be no resolution or scarring if one takes allopathic medicines. upper apical region of lung.
  • Clinical : pneumonia with delirium, spasms, spleen, high fever, flu. Pain in the left side of upper chest on lifting left arm.
  • Posture : lying agg in respiratory symptoms, bores head in the pillow.
  • Breathing pattern : Dyspnea is absent even when high respiratory rate.
  • Symptoms :
    1. Pain left upper region of the lung, that pain may extend anywhere in the body, may be hands, stomach, shoulder etc. also the pain can radiate at two places simultaneously.
    2. The pain begins when he breathes.
    3. Respiratory rate increased – tachypnea, but when he starts talking to anyone then the respiratory rate becomes normal (because the control centre is in pons - hence neuronal control comes in play).
    4. Headache --- pain at the root of the nose, then right eyebrows then temporo-parietal region and then extends backwards to occipital region, in pain the patient bores head in the pillow.
    5. Fever and chill occurs always with cough or with h/o same.
  • Mentals : everything seems too large either disease or physical things that why the patient has uncontrolled anxiety before visiting the doctor.